"Melia and Wifi" (2022) (40x32 inches) in Lifelines, 2023, International Center of Photography, NY, USA.


"Melia and Wifi" (2022) (40x32 inches) in Lifelines, 2023, International Center of Photography, NY, USA.


"Melia and Wifi" (2022) (40x32 inches) in Lifelines, 2023, International Center of Photography, NY, USA.


A Low, Steady Hum (2022-ongoing)

I have noticed that people around my age who are living in densely populated cities, working long hours, and losing their paychecks to rent are starting to feel the earth humming. A low, steady hum.

Since mid-November of 2022, I've been visiting the homes of friends and acquaintances to take their portraits with a large format film camera. Some I've known since my childhood; others I've met in college, and a few I have only met once or twice. But all of them are in their early twenties and have found themselves living in New York City.

As I set up my camera, its wooden frame creaks and groans. The air in the room gets heavier, and the sitter stares intently into the lens. Meanwhile, beneath us, the earth's faint hum grows louder.

Using Format